Willie hadnot jr.

Book: Black Enough: Stories of Being Young & Black in America, How to Worship A King

Food: Sushi or Pho

Movie: Moonrise Kingdom

Season: Summer

Activities/Hobbies: Hiking/Jogging/Impulsive trips to DC/making latte art

Scripture: Psalm 46:1-3

Time of Day: Sunset/dusk, otherwise known as “golden hour.”

Sports: I enjoy WATCHING basketball, football, baseball, and hockey (but I have a pretty good swing for church softball)

Family Tradition: Egg Rolls at every holiday dinner

Cereal: Honey Bunches of Oat

Cake or Ice Cream: Cake AND Ice Cream!

Random Facts:

What is one thing you wish you could do better? Have a conversation in Spanish.

What website do you visit the most?  J.W. Pepper (for choir music)

What do you like most about your job? Every in-between moment, from one Sunday to the next. I love hearing the life updates, changing of seasons/jobs/relationships, shared laughter and shared pain. What’s most personal is universal. Also, desserts by Vicki.

Most people don’t know this about me?   “Happy Birthday to You” is my least favorite song, because most crowds never sing the octave jump correctly.

What is one thing you can do really well?  Apparently I’m not that bad of a wedding DJ, so you let me know and we can get the party started. 

Extra Facts: 

Born: Athens, TX

Family: I have family all over the globe! 

Education: Associates of Arts in Music - Trinity Valley Community College

Bachelor of Music - The University of Texas at Tyler

Master of Music: Saxophone Performance - The University of Maryland, College Park

Lived in Annapolis: Since July 2019